During that time, a Marshall Plan seeded a miracle, and a North Atlantic Alliance protected our people. 在那段岁月,马歇尔计划播下了奇迹的种子,而北大西洋联盟保护了我们的人民。
And I think a lot about George Marshall and Harry Truman and the Marshall Plan. 马歇尔、哈里?杜鲁门和马歇尔计划。
Part II analyzes the reaction of European countries to the Marshall Plan as well as the idea of European integration. 第二部分具体分析了欧洲国家对马歇尔计划以及欧洲一体化观念的反应。
It was central to the method of the Marshall Plan that the Europeans should think and act for themselves within the vision: That was what made the plan not just another aid program. 马歇尔计划的核心方法是,欧洲人应当在这个愿景内自己思考和行动;也正因为如此,马歇尔计划没有沦为又一个传统的援助项目。
The Marshall plan helped to kick-start Weatern europe's economic recovery. 马歇尔计划帮助西欧开始经济恢复。
The Marshall plan got it right for postwar Europe. 马歇尔计划曾适用于战后的欧洲。
Economically, the Marshall Plan mattered far more in Greece, France, Austria, and Holland than it did in Ireland, Norway, or Belgium. 在经济上,马歇尔计划对希腊、法国、奥地利和荷兰的重要性远胜于它在爱尔兰、挪威或比利时的作用。
By 1980 however, Europe, helped by the Marshall Plan, was back on its feet and the Japanese car and electronics industries were developing momentum. 不过,到了1980年,在马歇尔计划(marshallplan)的推动下,欧洲重新站稳了脚跟,而日本的汽车和电子工业发展势头也颇为强劲。
A Chinese Marshall Plan is not a substitute for letting its currency appreciate, or stimulating domestic demand, or reforming its banking system. But it could be an important complement. 一个中国的马歇尔计划不是货币升值、刺激内需或改革银行体系的替代品,但可以是一个重要的补充。
It is not quite the Marshall Plan wanted by some, but it is the right start. 这并不是很多人想要的马歇尔计划,而是一个正确的开始。
Today all these needs are present, presenting five good reasons for a Marshall Plan for Ukraine. 如今,这些因素都存在,由此带来了针对乌克兰执行马歇尔计划的五个很好的理由。
Post-war America was rich, Europe was poor, and the Marshall plan helped Europe catch up. 二战后,美国富裕,而欧洲贫困,马歇尔计划帮助欧洲赶了上来。
He had run the Marshall Plan in Europe. 他曾在欧洲推行过马歇尔计划。
These included the Marshall Plan and the Berlin Airlift, as we discussed in our last two programs. 这包括了马歇尔计划以及我们上期节目中谈到的柏林空运计划。
The clear difference is that the Marshall plan software works, but the current aid software does not. 明显的差别在于,马歇尔计划软件有效,而当前援助软件无效。
After the fall of apartheid, South Africans called for a Marshall Plan. 在种族隔离政策终结之后,南非人呼吁一项马歇尔计划。
They had been huffing and puffing about the Marshall plan. 他们对马歇尔计划大发雷霆。
There are precedents for reaching an international agreement on sharing costs and benefits-notably, the Marshall Plan. 在成本和利益共享方面达成国际性的协议,有一些先例可循特别是《马歇尔计划》(marshallplan)。
Truman makes the fateful decision and sees the war to a close; the Marshall Plan begins to link and restore broken nations. 杜鲁门做了这个重大的决定,使战争结束了,马歇尔计划开始把破坏了的国家连合,并且复兴起来。
Chinese officials and academics have been debating in recent months proposals to use the country's vast foreign exchange reserves to try to stimulate demand in developing countries ideas sometimes referred to as China's Marshall Plan. 近几个月来,中国官员和学者一直在辩论利用该国巨额外汇储备努力刺激发展中国家需求的提议。这类设想有时被称为中国的马歇尔计划。
Kennan and his new State Department "Policy Planning Staff" produced one of the master-documents from which the Marshall Plan eventually flowed. 肯南和他在国务院的新的“政策规划人员”起草了衍生出后来的马歇尔计划的原始文件之一。
Call it a Marshall plan if you like, but in any event the assistance must be on a scale equal to the challenge and the opportunity. 如果你愿意,可以称之为“马歇尔计划”,但无论如何,援助的规模必须与挑战和机遇相当。
Carry the message of the Marshall Plan to the people. 向人民传达马歇尔计划的信息。
They had in fact set up the Marshall plan as an insurance racket. 他们实际上是把马歇尔计划当作一种类乎保险公司骗局的玩意儿。
The Marshall Plan supported investment in Europe – and especially Italy – after the second world war. 马歇尔计划在二战后支持了对欧洲(尤其是意大利)的投资。
Even a "Marshall Plan for developing country renewables" has been suggested, named after the plan for rebuilding Western Europe after the Second World War. 甚至有人提出了一个“发展中国家可再生能源的马歇尔计划”。这是根据二战后的欧洲重建计划命名的。
Advocates of even more aid through the current system sometimes call for a Marshall plan today for poor countries. 那些倡议通过当前体系提供更多援助的人,有时呼吁制定针对穷国的现代版马歇尔计划。
The Marshall Plan put these countries on a path of lasting peace. 马歇尔计画让这些国家走上永续和平的大道。
The vast majority of these students had never heard of the Marshall plan. 这些学生中的大多数人从来没有听说过马歇尔计划。